Coos Bay Chickens

Joined the OWL: 3014
Owner: Twist
Colours: White and Red
Stadium: The Coop. Capacity 40,000
Mascot: Roy of the Tractors/Tarsiers. Currently doing time after the OIA pulled him off the streets when the Tarsiers went bust. Special moves: smashing s**t with his baseball bat.
Famous for: Not being the Crims. The good people of Coos Bay first formed a Chickens team back in 3014 after a prison breakout from Coos Bay Penitentiary saw thousands of criminals (many unfairly imprisoned) escape into the city. The Chickens went bust in the early 3020s but have been revived in 3057. They have several tunnels direct to Coos Bay Penitentiary, along with plastic surgeons, laundry trucks, and lots of cakes with keys in them. The plan is to field a team of criminals for the season and help as many of them as possible escape the clutches of the OIA (while winning a Bizarrobowl, of course!)